Weeds in potato

Why is it a problem? Potato is one of the main cash crops in Bhutan. Weeds are a severe constraint in potato production, and require considerable resources to manage. Investigations comparing three weed management treatments across a wide range of locations reported average yields of 6.7, 10.7 and 11.6 MT/ha …

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Wild boars

Sus scrofa Crops: All crops, but especially maize, rice and potato Why is it a problem? Wild boar are the main vertebrate pests of agricultural crops in Bhutan. Crop losses due to wild boar are one of the main constraints to alleviating poverty and increasing food security in the country. …

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Early blight

Alternaria solani Crop: Potato. It has also been reported on tomato   Why is it a problem? Early blight is a fungus that, looks like late blight, can defoliate and even destroy unprotected potato crops. However, treatment is not often required. Where and when is it a problem? Early blight co-occurs …

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Potato viruses

Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) and Mosaic Viruses (PVX and PVY) Crop: Potato Why is it a problem? Several potato viruses have been reported in Bhutan. Serious PLRV infections can greatly reduce yields, but can normally be easily avoided through good management practices, especially seed potato renewal and hygiene practices. …

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Late blight

Phytophthora infestans Crops:Potato and Tomato Why is it a problem? Late blight is the most important disease of potato in Bhutan. The pathogen is capable of destroying an entire unprotected potato crop within one to two weeks under the right weather conditions.  Losses can be largely avoided through intensive management, …

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Peach-potato aphid

Myzus persicae Crop: Generalist, but is only a pest of potato Why is it a problem? Aphids are sap-sucking insects that at high densities can cause leaf curl and stunting, resulting in poor potato production. However, globally green peach aphid is known as one of the most important virus vectors, …

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White grub

Phyllophyga sp. Crop: Potato Why is it a problem? Feeding by the white grub larvae results in large circular holes in potato tubers, reducing their market value. Where and when is it a problem? Although present in all potato-growing areas, it normally does not cause sufficient damage to be economically …

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Red ant

Dorylus orientalis Crop: Generalist, but can seriously damage vegetable crops including potato and Cole crops Why is it a problem? Red ants live in the soil and can feed on the roots and tubers of a wide variety of plants. They make holes on the surface of potato tubers, (chewing …

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Potatoes are one of the most important cash crops in Bhutan, for both domestic consumption and export. There is also a limited manufacturing market, mainly potato chips. Farmers need to replace their seed potatoes every few years to maintain quality and help manage for viruses. Pest and disease-free seed potatoes …

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Potato tuber moth (PTM)

Phthorimaea operculella Crop: Potato Why is it a problem? PTM is the most common insect pest of potato in Bhutan, destroying the crop both in the field and during storage. Foliar and tuber damage can result in substantial yield losses. As a storage pest, it can destroy high proportions of …

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