Potatoes are one of the most important cash crops in Bhutan, for both domestic consumption and export. There is also a limited manufacturing market, mainly potato chips. Farmers need to replace their seed potatoes every few years to maintain quality and help manage for viruses. Pest and disease-free seed potatoes are therefore also an important market, including into India.
The main potato growing areas are between 2000 and 3000 m asl where they are grown during the wet season (summer), although winter cultivation is increasing at low-altitudes.
Potatoes are prone to insects and diseases. Of greatest importance are late blight and potato tuber moth which need to be carefully managed to prevent serious losses. Insecticides are rarely needed if crops are managed well, but fungicide is often required to manage late blight.
Several potato varieties are grown. These differ in their susceptibility to some pests and diseases.
Potato tuber moth (PTM)
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Late blight
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