Angoumois grain moth

Sitotroga cerealella Crop: Stored grain, especially maize Why is it a problem? The grain moth is an important pest of whole cereal grains, especially maize. It destroys the inside of grains, resulting in weight loss. Where and when is it a problem? Grain moths are less widespread than grain weevils. …

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Grain weevils

Sitophilus species Crop: Stored grain, especially maize Why is it a problem? Grain weevils are the most important storage pests in Bhutan,  particularly of maize. Where and when is it a problem? They can cause high losses below about 1,200 m asl, intermediate losses to 1,700 m asl and don’t …

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Storage pests of maize

Maize is one of the main cereal crops in Bhutan. A total of 30, 939 MT of maize was harvested from 25,473 acres (NSB, 2021). The major maize growing Dzongkhags are Mongar, Pema Gatshel, and Trashigang (NSB, 2021). Other important cereal crops include paddy, wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, and quinoa.  …

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